The 2024 Silent Auction has now ended.

A big thank you to all donors and bidders. We hope you were successful or at least had some fun along the way - we certainly have.

It looks like it has been another fantastic fundraiser and we couldn’t have done it without your help & generosity. The final figure will be published shortly.

From all of us at the Silent Auction team we wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and happy & prosperous 2025.

See you all again next year…
The Silent Auction Team

Silent Auction

Rotary Club of Perth

Rotary Club of Perth logo

Founded in 1917 we are a lunchtime club who meet at McDiarmid Park every Thursday. We also hold a breakfast meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at the Premier Inn, Mill Street, Perth at 7.30am. Visiting Rotarians are assured of a very warm welcome at either of these meetings.

Serving our community and financially supporting local charities has underpinned the Rotary Club of Perth since its incorporation more than 100 years ago.

Our main fundraiser, the Silent Auction is a well established and popular event.

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